If it is not getting address it may import all your job scheduled as control-m jobs will fail as it does not have free inode in file system to write sysout. Due to very frequent nature of job logs inode gets filled very drastically. Generally for instance it have file system like /export/opt/ctmagent.Ĭontrol-M have sysout directory where all the job logs getting placed. If any application file system for instance Control-M which is enterprise job scheduling tool mostly used in production and dev environment. Scenario 2 : Application FS is full in linux and unix Many times not always mail system like sendmail or postfix creates too many files and it fills up inodes in /var/spool/clientmqueue. So now we have fair idea how to check inode status of file system in Linux and Solaris. ~]# df -oi /var Filesystem iused ifree %iused Mounted on /dev/vx/dsk/bootdg/var 52637 943267 5% /var ~]# df -i /var Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on /dev/sda5 525200 9159 516041 2% /var How to check inodes in Solaris Process for how to check inodes in unix is as below. How to check inodes in Linux Procedure for how to check inodes in linux is as below. How to delete bulk files and directory in linux and unix.How to delete multiple files in linux and unix.How to delete single file in linux and unix.Many cases /var file system gets full rapidly.If you check with df -h command it does not reflect that /var file system is really full.Then what ? It is full due to inode usage reached 100% and system stops writing any more files in /var file system which leads to all jobs failure which is using /var for writing anything.All logs also gets created in /var file system. Scenario 1 : If /var directory is full in linux and unix What exactly we are trying to discuss here is special scenario like is as below.When we may need to remove files and directories on linux and unix. There may be many scenario when you have need of deleting files and directory due to many business or job requirement.So you must be aware about how to remove files and directory on linux and unix. How to remove files and directory on linux and unix we are going to discuss mainly about how to delete bulk files and directory in linux and unix. How to remove files and directory on linux and unix Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Messenger Print WhatsApp Tumblr Email Reddit Viber